In summer problems like dehydration, diarrhea start. You must have a proper summer diet plan to be healthy. Problems like sweating, tanning, fatigue, loss of appetite, vomiting, heat stroke, gastrointestinal disorder are also the result of this season. the proper diet balances hydration within the body. Therefore, catering should be taken care of during this season. Low calorie light food should be preferred during this season rather than spicy food. This season is the most favorable for weight management. the reason for this is that an individual naturally consumes more liquid diet.

Summer Diet Plan

Summer Diet Plan

Food experts believe that fruits, vegetables and fat-free or low-fat dairy products should be consumed this season. Many low-calorie fruits are found during this season, which contain adequate amounts of fiber, calcium and important nutrients.

1. Watermelon

Benefit of Watermelon
Benefit of Watermelon
Staying hydrated keep your body cool during summer months. It also helps to keep your memory sharp and your mood stable. 

Research shows that eating foods that are filled with water helps keep you satisfied on fewer calories. It's low in sugar and high in nutrients. We list the nutrients in watermelon, along side their health benefits:

Lycopene: It's an antioxidant that helps maintain a healthy heart, bones and also prevents cancer.
Vitamin A: This is good for eyes and skin.
Vitamin B1: It helps the body to use food for getting energy.
Vitamin B6: This Vitamin Helps in fighting infections.
Vitamin C: It makes the system stronger thereby keeps you falling sick.
Citrulline: This is an amino acid that converts to arginine. This amino acid promotes healthy blood circulation and maintains cardiovascular health.

2. Curd or Yogurt

Benefit of Curd
Benefit of Curd or Yogurt
Curd is a great coolant. you can consume it in any form such as Curd, buttermilk, Lassi, Raita etc. It can be an excellent dessert with fruits. Eat low-fat yogurt daily. This may reach the coolness of the body and rid the skin spots.
Health Benefits Of Curd or Yogurt:

Helps to slim down.
Improves immunity.
Beneficial for stronger bones and teeth.
Prevents premature wrinkles.
Beneficial for Healthy and Radiant Skin.
Removes dark spots.
Removes dandruff:
Healthy Digestion. Curd acts as a great probiotic.

3. Coconut Water

Coconut water contains essential minerals simple sugar and electrolytes that keep the body hydrated. it's an honest source of potassium. It's an effective substance to retain flavor and cool in summer. Also very effective in weight loss process.
Benefit of Coconut Water
Benefit of Coconut Water

Please find the advantage of consuming coconut water:
May Help Prevent Kidney Stones.
Beneficial After Prolonged Exercise.
May Have Benefits Against Diabetes.
May Have Antioxidant Properties.
Delicious Source of Hydration.
May Support Heart Health.
May Reduce blood pressure.

4. Onion

Onions have amazing cooling elements. Eat in Salad or use it as Curry, Raita, Chutney, it will only benefit the body. It has the ability to protect against heatstroke